The Cause

Baby of Theresia, born at 26 weeks gestation.


A chance at survival

Led by American pediatrician Dr. Stephen Swanson, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre offers among the highest level of care available in Tanzania, with survival rates rarely seen in East Africa.

With a full range of advanced newborn support and one nurse per 3-4 babies, the NICU is able to achieve a survival rate of >92%, with 90% of preterm babies surviving.  Babies born <1500 grams (3 lbs-4 oz) survive through the basics of low-tech respiratory support (bubble CPAP), pulmonary surfactant administration, thermoregulation and proper nutrition. In 2022, over 29 health centers and hospitals sent their babies to our NICU.

Most of this NICU care is provided for free or heavily subsidized rates. No baby is ever turned away because of family finances. Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre's NICU annual budget is less than the cost of treating a single baby in an American NICU for three weeks.

Beginning in 2024, the Institute for Child Healthcare Africa (ICHA) was launched as an international NGO, to advance innovative, low-technology, evidence-based solutions to support neonatology care in Africa— developed by our team.

An approach that is low-cost, developed by our NICU team in Africa, and proven effective. A different story.

Kangaroo Mother Care

It takes a village to journey a tiny premature baby of 830 grams (1.8 lbs) to thrive. In this nurturing, compassionate environment, a skilled NICU team works courageously to save tiny lives.

Gifts of Care

In a setting where "every breath counts, no matter how small," a dedicated and compassionate NICU team save the life of a tiny baby girl and gifts a miracle to her family.

Small Details Matter

The participation of the whole family in the healthcare and wellness of tiny babies is important for their growth in the journey from surviving to thriving. Those tiny feet make big steps when small details matter.

Miracles Do Happen

A 25-week preterm baby who survived during a time when ALMC NICU was pioneering new interventions for small babies in Tanzania.

Tiny Miracles

The babies that survive because of the NICU at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre (Tanzania) are tiny miracles.